Robynne Writes

Learn Gods Word, Love Gods Word, Live Gods Word

Mid-Year Momentum

It’s mid-year and most of us are tired, restless, and ready for a holiday. But we’re only halfway through the year with six more months to go until we can smell the seashore from a holiday rental.

So in an attempt to push through, and not give up on doing good, as Galatians 6:9 encourages us, I would like to share four devotional books that I’m reading at the moment.

These books have lifted my spirits and strengthened my soul.

  1. 100 days to Brave by Annie F Downs has whispered life-giving truth into my heart about the woman God has called me to be: brave and bold. In a world full of pandemical pandemonium, my fear levels have risen above a five, and this light-hearted yet intentional devotional encourages me daily.
  2. Bless the Lord, Oh my Soul is a daily devotional, colouring your way through the Psalms in 365 days. This devotional takes you through a Psalm/or a portion of a Psalm every day. One of my favorite features is that each page allows for some journaling after your daily reading. And best of all, it is filled with coloring in pictures which brings out all the creativity for one’s soul.
  3. Walking in Grace by Dalene Reyburn is definitely my favorite. Her poetic style of writing partnered with her no-nonsense straightforward approach to God’s Word begs my heart to walk in obedience and grace, and ultimately discover the abundance of a life with Christ. It is a must-read.
  4. My Quiet Time Devotional is a weekly devotional, marked out by five days of reading, one day of prayer, and one day of reflection. There is also space for some journaling notes to write down your week’s reflections.

It’s easy to get caught up in the rush and rumble of nine to five, and the busyness of life. Let’s begin to mute the mindsets and ways in which we have conformed to the world and instead be transformed by renewing our minds with the Word of God.

A few ways I’ve chosen to renew my mind this June (especially after our covid episode):

  1. Early mornings with Jesus – no excuses. Find new and fresh ways to engage with God’s Word. This may look like investing in a new Bible or journal or taking a walk every day just to spend time with the Lord. This may even look like the discipline of NO TV for a season and rather reading your Bible. Sometimes, it’s as simple as changing your spot, choosing a new area in the house to sit and read your Bible. Whatever it is, just do it!
  2. Reading my daily devotional every day, no skipping. This is not a ritual, rather a routine to keep me on track.
  3. Starting or finishing a Bible Study. I’m currently finishing up a Bible Study on Exodus. It’s been life-changing.
  4. Read a book, which encourages and refreshes the way you think about the Christian life. (I will do a review on some of my favorites, soon.)
  5. Read a book of the Bible that you are not familiar with: Exodus, Isaiah, Habakkuk, Romans, Titus, etc. Or start reading the Bible from start to finish. (Yes, from Genesis to Revelation.)

Matthew 11:28-30 TPT

28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Journal question:
What does walking with the Lord in new and fresh ways look like for you? What can you do today, to help you gain momentum through the mid-year slump?

Praying that you’ll begin to walk in the unforced rhythms of Gods grace this week!

Love from my little corner of the world,


One response to “Mid-Year Momentum”

  1. Wow girl – I feel bad – I don’t do half the reading you do. Well done and enjoy!!

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