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Are you spiritually FAT?

Hi Friends!

We’re all so over the covid-related saga that took place this year. However, the reality is that we’re all living in the aftermath of what was. And so if any, now is a good time to gauge where our hearts are at. Whether you’ve been saved for a minute, a month or a millennium (haha) – it’s helpful to take stock of our hearts.

So again I ask, ‘Are you spiritually FAT?’

F – Have you been FAITHFUL in your relationship with the Lord? Are you in a good place with God? Or have you drifted off a little? James 2 says that God draws near to those who draw near to Him. If you have found that you’ve drifted off a liitle, all we need to do is draw closer to the Father. He’s waiting for you!

A – Are you ACCOUNTABLE to those who carry spiritual authority over you? If you belong to a church body, then those who lead your community carry spiritual authority over your life. Hebrews tells us that their work is to watch over you as they are accountable to God. We need to remain accountable to our leaders with the good and bad things that happen in our lives. As we live out this biblical principle, we will see the hand of God at work in our lives. We are called to bring our lives under the submission of others.

T – Are you TEACHABLE? When we submit ourselves to the counsel of our leaders, we give them authority to speak into our lives. We need to remain teachable when our leaders pin point areas in our lives that need further surrendering and change. As Christians, this is one area in which we need to grow the most. We ought to be growing daily, as we are moulded to look more and more like Jesus. Christianity is relational. Therefore, God will use people to challenge us. However, it’s up to us to make the neccessary changes in our lives.

In order to remain spiritually FAT, we need to be feasting on spiritual FOOD.

F – The FELLOWSHIP of believers needs to be a priority in our lives. God created us for community. We are called to have relationship with fellow like minded people. If we struggle to have relationship with others, how can we fully pursue a relationship with the Lord? God is in the business of people. Therefore, He uses people to encourage people. He uses people to love on people. We need to surround ourselves with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

O – We need to be OBSESSIVELY reading Gods Word. I believe that there is a call on the Church to be radically committed to Gods Word. Psalm 1 encourages us to meditate on Gods Word day and night. R.T. Kendall says, ‘If we want the blessing, we need to get back to the Bible!’

O – We need to be OBSESSIVELY communicating with God in prayer. We see the importance of prayer all over the Bible. James tells us that prayer is powerful. It’s the way in which we communicate with our Father. It’s the way in which our Father communicates with us. If we want to hear from Him, we ought to seek Him.

D – DISCOVER Gods purpose for your life. God has a plan and purpose for each of our lives. He created us with intention and destiny. Gods unique blueprint is stamped on the hearts of His children and it’s our responsibility to make our lives obedient to it. It’s not a matter of if but rather, it’s a matter of what? In His goodness and graciousness, God will make His plan known to you. All you have to do is ask!

From my cosy corner of the world,
To yours,


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