Robynne Writes

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Joy To The World

What does Joy mean?

Joy: the emotion of great delight, happiness caused by something exceptionally good, elation, keen pleasure, merriment, jubilance, rejoicing.

Luke 2:10 – “Don’t be afraid. For I have come to bring you good news, the most joyous news the world has ever heard! And it is for everyone everywhere!”

Are you rejoicing at the good news of a Saviour? Maybe this December we need a little reminder about how good this good news is. We were once lost, stuck in the loaded grip of sin, lacking the promise of forever. And then, a Saviour is born and the light of His birth fills us with hope and promise and eternity.

Jesus; King of all kings, the Lion on the throne humbled himslef to become one of us. He dwelt amoung us in order to save us. His mission was always salvation and reconcilliation – to save us from the power of sin and reconcile us to Himself. His mission was and still is to seek and save the lost; those who don’t know Him. He is a pursuing, seeking, saving, reconciling God who adores you.

This is good news of GREAT joy!

John Piper says that we don’t need to discover new truths but rather what we need is reminders of the greatness of old truths.

I pray that this Christmas season you would be reminded again about this great old truth. I pray that the truth of Jesus and his saving power would stir up your hearts again; and that you would be filled with joy. I pray that Jesus would become more real to you in this Christmas season than ever before. I pray that you would be amazed at how real Christ is.

Joy to the world, the Lord is come
Let earth receive her King
Let every heart prepare Him room

Would you prepare room in your heart for the truth of Jesus this season. Would you allow the Holy Spirit to open up your eyes to the good news of great joy. And would you share this good news with someone else this Christmas?

Let the wonder of Christmas fill your hearts and homes and minds with the wonderful revelation of whose child you are and who is this King that was born on Christmas day.

2 responses to “Joy To The World”

  1. Beautiful hon. Yes we all need to be reminded that Christmas time is about Christ – nothing else!

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